We had to step in and try and save this chap even though we had no space and no funds in our vet's account.

The past few nights we have had a trap in place for this stray cat in Swindon.
It’s thought that he is blind in one eye and his other eye looks really bad.
Thankfully he went into the trap late last night so our lovely Hazel got out of bed to go and get him. What a gem you are and thank you for helping him.
Also thank you to Jenny Thompson for posting him on Facebook and to her daughter Oleisha for helping with trapping him.
We initially called him Popeye, but then decide that wasn't very nice, so one of our facebook followers suggested Horatio. A purrfect name for the poor chap who must have been in so much pain.
Our funds are very low so we have opened a GoFundMe plea for Horatio. Donations will go directly to ensuring we can get him the treatment he so deserves.
We also have a paypal account for donations to help Horatio.
He wasn't very friendly so rather than risk an emergency trip to an out of hours vets, where he would be at a very high risk of being PTS, we decided to take him into our care. Then he will be seen by one of our trusted vets.
Update Aug 26th
Horatio got into to see our top vet, while he was under our vet determined that he still had vision and they were old injuries to his eyes. He had one remaining tooth in his mouth, that was so rotten it had to be removed. Other wise the cat was give a clean bill of health so could be neutered.
As he recovers in our care we have to come up with a plan for him. He really doesn't like people at all so is not suitable to be placed in a home. Even after extensive door to door enquiries by his finders, no regular feeder of home base for him has been found for him. Considering he has no teeth! he would need a carer in the area to provide him with food and shelter and look after him
We think we may have an answer but will keep you updated with the out come.
Update Sept 8th
Horatio has a new home! On Saturday we took him down to an amazing privately run feral cat sanctuary. He has the run of a 4 acre woodland enclosure, with cat houses, feeding stations and monitoring. The perfect place for him.
Sadly I pressed all the wrong buttons on my phone and missed his release vid. He's safe there, food is available, so it's not a problem that he doesn't have teeth, if his vision gets worse he will know his home ground and is safe.
Horatio Nelson will have an amazing life.