This cat is not a wild stray, but friendly. We had to try and save her.

I don't know where to start! We were alerted to a cat with a terrible injury, it was described as having its bowels hanging out. Our Swindon team of volunteers sprang out into action and were out day and night trying to catch her for a whole week. There were no further sightings, since the initial one. We leafleted nearby houses, knocked on doors and alerted the local press and facebook groups. We feared the worse, but still regularly checked the area and spoke to neighbors to see if there had been any other sightings.
Three weeks later, we got a call, the cat had been seen and what was even more worrying was she had kittens with her. Her injury was still very much evident, so we just had to get her and the kittens to safely.
Despite our best efforts we only managed to catch one of the kittens, but we got the mother into out care. She was rushed to our vets in Stroud.
The vet was horrified by her injuries, and the sad reality of cat rescue is that we believe this cat was owned and had been not been taken to a vet by her owner. Despite many appeals the owner choose not to come forward.

The kitten was ill as well and we think the remaining two kittens were in a worse condition. Our funds were low but the decision was made to treat her at our cost. She needed to be given a chance.
Operation number one
Both mum and kittens were covered in fleas and full of worms. The mother was very underweight and the kittens had bad eyes. The kitten was treated with eye ointment and the mum had stage one of 'putting bottom back in surgery', and we crossed our fingers for a good outcome.
Lots of food and care as these cats were starving. Everyday was touch and go, and we wouldn't be out of the woods for several weeks to come. We knew the odds were not in her favour.
The prolapse happens again - Operation number two
This was a much more involved procedure, a more complex surgery and he last chance at having a life. The kitten was found to have chlamydia as well as eye problems. With rest and recouperation we could only hope things went well.
We will continue to look after Purdi but our funds a low so we have had to close our doors to new cats as a temporary measure.
A bit of a scare!
The prolapse was back! Many tears were shed and a last farewell appointment was booked for her at the verts, we were all heart broken. We had done everything for this girl.
Just before the vet trip... here prolapse had gone back in! were were amazed. On the advice of the vets were are keeping a careful watch on her, as the out come is far from certain.