We will use our experience in catching cats to help farmers and landowners manage their resident mousers and keep feral cat colonies in good health.

The Call for help.
We were contacted by a livery yard owner who was concerned about the colony of feral cats that had been living in the stables. The resident colony were great at keeping the rat and mouse population down ad some were even quite friendly, but they were starting to reproduce and he didn't want the colony to become unmanageable with cats breeding everywhere.
We formulated a plan.
With the yard owner's help three of us when to the yard when the cats hadn't been fed for a few days. 5 traps, 3 people, lots or warm chicken and an hour later 9 cats were safely in our care.

A great outcome for all.
The cats were all vet-checked and neutered, and then after a few days of recovery they were returned to the yard. They were pleased to be home and the owner was pleased there would be no more kittens and no more mice.