This is why it's never acceptable for a cat to be left as 'just a stray cat.'

Some people had been feeding a 'stray cat' that had been visiting their garden for a number of years. They gave it a cardboard box in the corner of a shed and left food out for it. They thought that was enough... This cat was in a horrendous condition. She lived in a cardboard box which had blood splatters in it.
It took a builder Alex who was visiting the area for work to take a picture and upload it onto Facebook. then we became aware of the cat's plight. Alex thank you for changing her life.
Biscuit loves a fuss….. very sweet friendly cat that came straight up to us for a fuss and food but was never taken to the vet … was never scanned for a chip…. Lived in a cardboard box… totally and utterly avoidable.
Biscuit was microchipped. She is 11 years old and has been missing for 10 years. Heartbreakingly she was only 2.2 miles away from home for all those years.
Her owners were in tears, their cat had been found, but her life hung in the balance without major veterinary intervention. They wanted the best for her so signed her over to our rescue so she could get the treatment she needed.
Biscuit was been given mild sedation so that her ear could be cleaned and examined. The external part of her ear had been eaten away by a tumour and her lymph nodes were swollen and large. Her ear canal couldn't be completely examined until she was operated on. Only then would the true picture emerge.

We needed a plan!
Biscuit needed to be given a chance at life….. Our amazing vet Michael at Stroud rd vets was going to examine her, and remove all the external damaged tissue and possibly her ear canal and lymph node behind the ear.
The risk
Michael may start the operation and then discover that the internal damage was beyond repair. We didn't want this at all but we wouldn't allow a cat to continue to suffer.
The operation and aftercare would be very expensive so we did some fundraising
As well as using our fundraising channels on our website...